NIPUN Axom FLN Training

5-Day Block Level FLN training at Goalpara

After the completion of School surveys, selected Education Facilitators (EFs) from Baksa, Bongaigaon and Goalpara have participated in the NIPUN Axom FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy) Training held across all primary schools of Assam. 19 EFs in total have completed their 5-day FLN training that was held at block level from 20th-15th Nov 2023. Along with Teaching-Learning Materials (TLM), the EFs have also collected some resourceful contents from the FLN trainings for better understanding of the program.
The 5-day training covered learning modules on Numeracy for Class 1-3 and also introduced new teaching concepts like THE ELPS Approach (Experience Language Practice Symbol), The REACT Approach (Relating Experiencing Applying Cooperating Transferring) and 4 Block Approach (Skill Practice and Technique, Math Game and Math Talk).
The EFs were also engaged in participatory games and activities where they learnt to deliver mathematical concepts on Numeracy like balance and operations. For Language learning, focus was put more on visualization of alphabets through TLMs like placards and pictures.

Teacher Interviews at Baksa and Bongaigaon  

Tasked with the opportunity to learn more about teachers and their methods of teaching at schools, each EF was asked to interview 5 teachers to understand about their experience from participating in the FLN trainings.
Teachers in the interviews, expressed about their excitement in learning new methods of teaching and efficient techniques of delivering content. They talked about how the interjection of TLMs along with the new processes learnt in the training would break the monotony of teaching in classroom environments.

Capacity Building of EFs

Capacity building of EFs in Goalpara

Capacity Building of EFs is planned through both physical trainings in district level and online sessions.
One day orientation of EFs on FLN was organized on November 17, 21 and 22 respectively in Bongaigaon, Goalpara & Baksa, where the EFs were oriented on some basic ideas of FLN and also clarified the roles and responsibilities of EF in view of the changing scope of the new project.
Online sessions were conducted on issues of Child Labor and Child Trafficking by Augustus Kujur and Kuldeep Das respectively on 28th Nov 23 and 30th Nov 23. All 45 EFs, including other members of the team participated in these online workshops.

Technology Based School Interventions in Assam (TBSI)

Facilitating Students in Using Khan Academy

     Students allowed to bring mobile phones to school to access KA

In November, focus has been put on increasing interactions of the students with the digital learning platform Khan Academy.
Team members visited schools in groups with their laptops and were also allowed to use their mobile phones. Students were invited in batches and the login-id and password of students were checked. In some cases, though login credentials were working, progress was not reflected in the KA portal, so new assignments had to be given and then students were helped to practice and check their progress in the portal.
Technical Facilitators (TFs) held discussions with the head teachers to allow the students to bring their mobile phones for a day in class. In some schools headmasters allowed this practice and TFs supported the children access KA in their mobile phones.

Community Meetings

                                    Meetings with community

Community Meetings were organized to reach out to parents and guardians of the students and inform them about Khan Academy. In these community meetings, TFs shared a lot of important pointers on Khan Academy’s resources, objectives and benefits in the digital learning process.


  1. Good efforts. Hope our team members will invariably go through it and comment.

  2. Feels good to see the initiatives being taken up to nourish the grassroots of our nation. Kudos and please keep up with your good works 👍

  3. Good efforts. I hope our team will be success.

  4. Good efforts. I hope our team will be success. ✌️✌️


  6. This newsletter is well written and informative as well. Glad to be part of the team. Hope the collaborative efforts will make a positive impact.

  7. It's done a very good job...

  8. Good effort. It will encourage us for further inculcating endeavor.


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